GAWA ito sa JAPAN.Ang WHITELIGHT L-GLUTATHIONE contains 2,500mg of GLUTATHIONE and 1,000 mg of VITAMIN C ( importante para maging mas epektibo pa). Ang alam lang ng lahat PAMPAPUTI LANG ang GLUTATHIONE, SIDE EFFECT PO yun ng GLUTATHIONE, dahil binabawasan nito ang MELANIN sa ating katawan.
1.) IT HELPS GENERATE LIVER CELLS-para sa mga taong nalalagasan ng LIVER CELLS dahil nasubrahan ng pag -inom ng alak.
2.) IT INCREASER SPERM QUALITY AND QUANTITY-para sa mga lalaki na mahina ang sperm or hindi sapat ang sperm count

‪Glutathione is known as the the mother of all antioxidants, the master detoxifier and maestro of the immune system or simply "Master Antioxidant."
From glutathione’s role in smooth cell function, protein synthesis and amino acid transport, to assisting vitamin C, vitamin E, and CoQ10 in helping to protect the cell, it is evident that glutathione is the body’s primary antioxidant defense system.
The good news is that your body produces its own glutathione. The bad news is that poor diet, pollution, toxins, medications, stress, trauma, aging, infections and radiation all deplete your glutathione.
This leaves you susceptible to unrestrained cell disintegration from oxidative stress, free radicals, infections and cancer. And your liver gets overloaded and damaged, making it unable to do its job of detoxification.
Here are 3 major areas in which glutathione is critical:
It enables the body to eliminate toxins and poisons by providing protection against chemicals that promote cell transformation, also known as cell death.
Glutathione regulates and regenerates our immune cells. In fact, people with chronic illnesses such as AIDS, cancer and other autoimmune diseases tend to have very low levels of glutathione.
Glutathione protects enzyme proteins that inhibit collagen-digesting enzymes that cause damage to the skin, leading to wrinkles, or in the area of acne lesions, leading to scars.
Glutathione is abundant in many fruits, vegetables and fresh cooked meats. However, the digestive process breaks it down. It is believed that the molecule of glutathione is too large to pass through the digestive tract, allowing only small amounts to be absorbed into the body. For this reason, oral glutathione supplementation is not recommended.
When orally administered, it must instead rely upon the incredibly hostile environment of the gastrointestinal tract. This may mean a much greater percentage of the original substance is degraded either by the myriad of enzymes in the GI tract, or the strong acids it contains. Additionally, after GI absorption, glutathione is sent to the liver where it may be extensively metabolized; this is known as the first pass effect of drug metabolism. Due to the degradative qualities of the stomach and intestine, or the solubility of the GI tract, certain substances, may be administered orally via the sublingual route, as in the case of Whitelight Sublingual Glutathione.
Sublingual, literally ‘under the tongue’, from Latin, refers to a pharmacological route of administration in which certain drugs are entered directly into the bloodstream via absorption under the tongue. Many pharmaceuticals are prepared for sublingual administration. These commonly include cardiovascular drugs, steroids, barbiturates, and some enzymes that are frequently increasing certain vitamins and minerals. The principle behind sublingual administration is fairly simple. When a chemical comes in contact with the mucous membrane, or buccal mucosa, it diffuses into the epithelium beneath the tongue. This region contains a high density of blood vessels, and as a result, via osmosis, the substance quickly enters the blood stream at the sublingual artery. Quickly thereafter, the substance is carried by blood flow to the connected lingual artery, which takes up the chemical and translates it to its source: the carotid artery. This artery is connected directly to the brain. Thus, sublingual routes of administration have certain advantages over simple oral administration. This route is often faster, and substance will only come in contact with the enzymes in saliva prior to entry into the bloodstream.
Keeping yourself healthy, boosting your performance, preventing disease and aging well depends on keeping your glutathione levels high. I'll say it again ... Glutathione is so important because it is responsible for keeping so many of the keys to ultra wellness optimized.
So now that you know the importance of the master antioxidant, glutathione, as well as the advantage of sublingual route vs oral intake, you are now confident that the world's first (again!) sublingual glutathione, WHITELIGHT, is truly a great investment for your health!
"Like" and "Share" to everyone you know so they can increase their levels of their master antioxidant in their body too!

Just spray Whitelight Sublingual Glutathione Spray under your tongue!!!! 6-8 spray per day see the results in just 2-3 weeks! Avoid the pain of injections and fake promises!!!!

Retail Price (Philippines): Php 1900.00 per box
Methods of Payment:

Western Union
Bank Transfer (BPI BANK)

Meet up (Calamba, Laguna area only)
images (5)The heart is a powerful organ, which will beat over three billion times during an average lifetime. However, cardiovascular disease (CVD) has become a prevalent heart health challenge, which has risen to the forefront of consumer concerns in recent years. Global awareness of heart health is increasing and a rising number of people are taking a proactive approach to improving heart health.

 To the heart of the matter

Heart-Attack-in-WomenTo help maintain heart health, consumers are opting for naturally sourced functional foods, beverages and dietary supplements as part of a holistic and health-focused approach to lifestyle. The maintenance of normal cholesterol, blood pressure levels and healthy circulation are often seen as the three key pillars of heart health.

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The cardiovascular system is susceptible to a number of threats, including coronary heart disease, arterial disease and hypertension, all of which can be referred to as CVD. With high consumer demand for ways to tackle these heart health challenges, scientific research into ingredients that can support heart health is ongoing and new developments are emerging on a regular basis.

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Wanna have a lighter and younger skin?

Here in the Philippines, having white skin gives a person unspeakable advantages. You will be admired by many, envied by some, and get the perks that those with brown skin tone could only wish for.
Who wouldn’t want to have skin like it belongs to a rich person? I know I do! Even if a person is clothed in a burlap sack, but with fair, spotless, beautiful skin, he/she will still manage to look exquisite. That kind of skin is the best accessory (no need for concealer/jewelry) to make one stand out.

            We all know that Body Whitening Treatment and Injections by Dermatological Clinics are very expensive that is why ALLIANCE IN MOTION GLOBAL offers you the MOST EFFECTIVE AND NATURAL WHITENING ANG ANTI-AGING SUPPLEMENT – PERFECT WHITE.

Perfect White is a whitening supplement that contains one of the most advanced anti-aging ingredients in the world; L-Cysteine Peptide. According to research, it is 3-5 times MORE potent than GLUTATHIONE.
            Perfect White will help you look 20-30 years younger on continuous usage because of its anti-aging ingredient similar to a “botox” effect.

·         Makes you look 10-20 years younger on continuous usage
·         Aids in erasing dark spots, blemishes, facial creases and wrinkles
·         Provides anti-aging effects:  improves elasticity of the skin, reduces formation of skin dark age spots
·         Protects the skin from the damaging effects of prolonged sun exposure
·         Restores and revitalizes skin giving healthy and good skin elasticity Reduces facial line and wrinkles
·         Enhances whitening property due to inhibition of melanin synthesis
·         Prevents and removes skin hyper-pigmentation and skin blemishes
·         Retains skin moisture

·         L-Cysteine Peptide –  non-essential, sulfur-containing amino acid synthesized in human body from the amino acid methionine. It is important in the collagen formation and improves elasticity and texture.  It promotes production of L-taurine and L-glutathione which are important in healthy immunity and nervous system.
·         Yeast Extract – comprised of proteins, amino acids, peptides, enzymes, sugars and vitamins from different fungi. It acts as substance that promotes absorption and retention of moisture. It is also a strong antioxidant and stimulant in the production of ATP, an energy transporting substance inside cells. Enhance skin whitening by inhibiting melanin synthesis.
·         Astaxanthin – a carotenoid pigment abundant in green microalgae. It is powerful anti-oxidant and immune system booster. Protects skin from UV rays, reduces wrinkles and skin lines and enhances skin cell renewal and good skin elasticity.
·         Apple Polyphenol – good source of polyphenols which are 2 to 6 times more powerful anti-oxidant than vitamin C. Strengthens skin collagen producing anti-wrinkle effects and prevents scarring. Rejuvenates the skin due to high malic acid content. Reduces signs of inflammation, itchiness and skin thickening.
·         Grape Seed Extract – sugar, fruit acid, tartaric acid synergistically complements action of some substances to enhance whitening properties. Produces younger looking skin and natural face-lift appearance. Protects from premature aging or delays aging process.

Lady Dermatologist’s Testimonial on the Effectiveness of Perfect White as Natural Skin Whitener

Retail Price (Philippines): Php 1500.00 per box
Methods of Payment:

Western Union
Bank Transfer (BPI BANK)

Meet up (Calamba, Laguna area only)
6 Top Health Threats to Men

What puts a man’s health at risk as he gets older?
By Matthew Hoffman, MD
WebMD Feature
Reviewed by Brunilda Nazario, MD
WebMD Feature Archive

More boys than girls are born every year in the U.S. But any lead in health men start with vanishes with the first dirty diaper.

From infancy to old age, women are simply healthier than men. Out of the 15 leading causes of death, men lead women in all of them except Alzheimer's disease, which many men don't live long enough to develop. Although the gender gap is closing, men still die five years earlier than their wives, on average.

While the reasons are partly biological, men's approach to their health plays a role too, experts tell WebMD.

"Men put their health last," says Demetrius Porche, DNS, RN, editor in chief of the American Journal of Men's Health. "Most men's thinking is, if they can live up to their roles in society, then they're healthy."

Men go to the doctor less than women and are more likely to have a serious condition when they do go, research shows. "As long as they're working and feeling productive, most men aren't considering the risks to their health," says Porche.
But even if you're feeling healthy, a little planning can help you stay that way. The top threats to men's health aren't secrets: they're known, common, and often preventable. WebMD consulted the experts to bring you this list of the top health threats to men, and how to avoid them.

Cardiovascular Disease: The Leading Men's Health Threat
They call it atherosclerosis, meaning "hardening of the arteries." But it could as easily be from the Latin for "a man's worst enemy.
"Heart disease and stroke are the first and second leading causes of death worldwide, in both men and women," says Darwin Labarthe, MD, MPH, PhD, director of the Division for Heart Disease and Stroke Prevention at the CDC. "It's a huge global public health problem, and in the U.S. we have some of the highest rates."

In cardiovascular disease, cholesterol plaques gradually block the arteries in the heart and brain. If a plaque becomes unstable, a blood clotforms, blocking the artery and causing a heart attack or stroke.

Cardiovascular Disease: The Leading Men's Health Threat continued...
One in five men and women will die from cardiovascular disease, according to Labarthe. For unclear reasons, though, men's arteries develop atherosclerosis earlier than women's. "Men's average age for death from cardiovascular disease is under 65," he says; women catch up about six years later.

Even in adolescence, girls' arteries look healthier than boys'. Experts believe women's naturally higher levels of good cholesterol (HDL) are partly responsible. Men have to work harder to reduce their risk for heart disease and stroke:
· Get your cholesterol checked, beginning at age 25 and every five years.
· Control your blood pressure and cholesterol, if they're high.
· If you smoke, stop.
· Increase your physical activity level to 30 minutes per day, most days of the week.
· Eat more fruits and vegetables and less saturated or trans fats.

"There's a saying that 'children should know their grandparents,'" says Labarthe. "This is fatal or disabling condition that causes lost family time and working time. But a large number of these events are preventable."

Lung Cancer: Still a Health Threat to Men
Lung cancer is a terrible disease: ugly, aggressive, and almost always metastatic. Lung cancer spreads early, usually before it grows large enough to cause symptoms or even show up on an X-ray. By the time it's found, lung cancer is often advanced and difficult to cure. Less than half of men are alive a year later.
So ... are you still smoking?

Tobacco smoke causes 90% of all lung cancers. Thanks to falling smokingrates in the U.S., fewer men than ever are dying of lung cancer. But lungcancer is still the leading cancer killer in men: more than enough to fill the Superdome every year.
No effective screening test for lung cancer is available, although a major study is going on to learn if CT scans of the chests of high-risk people can catch cancer early enough to improve survival.

Quitting smoking at any age reduces the risk for lung cancer. Few preventive measures are as effective -- or as challenging -- as stopping smoking. But new tools are available that work to help men quit. Your doctor can tell you more.
Prostate Cancer: A Leading Cancer for Men

This is one health problem men can lay full claim to -- after all, women don't have prostates. A walnut-sized gland behind the penis that secretes fluids important for ejaculation, the prostate is prone to problems as men age.

Prostate cancer is the most common cancer in men other than skin cancer. Close to 200,000 men will develop prostate cancer this year in the U.S.
But while one in six men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer in his lifetime, only one in 35 will die from it. "Many prostate cancers are slow-growing and unlikely to spread, while others are aggressive," says Djenaba Joseph, MD, medical officer for cancer prevention at the CDC. "The problem is, we don't have effective tests for identifying which cancers are more dangerous."

Screening for prostate cancer requires a digital rectal exam (the infamous gloved finger) and a blood test for prostate specific antigen (PSA).

But in fact, "Screening has never definitively been shown to reduce the chances of dying from prostate cancer," according to Joseph. That's because screening finds many cancers that would never be fatal, even if undetected. Testing then leads to aggressive treatment of relatively harmless cancers, which causes problems like impotence andincontinence.

Should you get screened for prostate cancer? Some experts say yes, but "the best solution is to see your doctor regularly and talk about your overall risk," says Joseph. "All men should understand the risks and benefits of each approach, whichever you choose."

Depression and Suicide: Men Are at Risk
Depression isn't just a bad mood, a rough patch, or the blues. It's an emotional disturbance that affects your whole body and overall health.

In effect, depression proves the mind-body connection. Brain chemicals and stress hormones are out of balance. Sleep, appetite, and energy level are disturbed. Research even suggests men with depression are more likely to develop heart disease.
Experts previously thought depression affected far more women than men. But that may just be men's tendency to hide depressed feelings, or express them in ways different than women's.

"Instead of showing sadness or crying, men get angry or aggressive," says Porche. "They feel it's not OK for them to say, 'I'm depressed,' so they cope in other ways, like drinking too much." Men are also less likely to seek help for depression.
The results can be tragic. Women attempt suicide more often, but men are more successful at completing it. Suicide is the eighth leading cause of death among all men; for young men it's higher.

Most men and women respond well to depression treatment with medications, therapy, or both. If you think you might be depressed, reach out to your doctor or someone close to you, and seek help.

Diabetes: The Silent Health Threat for Men
Diabetes usually begins silently, without symptoms. Over years, blood sugar levels creep higher, eventually spilling into the urine. The resultingfrequent urination and thirst are what finally bring many men to the doctor.

The high sugar of diabetes is anything but sweet. Excess glucose acts like a slow poison on blood vessels and nerves everywhere in the body.Heart attacks, strokes, blindness, kidney failure, and amputations are the fallout for thousands of men.

Boys born in 2000 have an alarming one-in-three chance of developing diabetes in their lifetimes. Overweight and obesity are likely feeding the diabetes epidemic. "The combination of diabetes and obesity may be erasing some of the reductions in heart disease risk we've had over the last few decades," warns Labarthe.

Exercise, combined with a healthy diet, can prevent type 2 diabetes. Moderate weight loss -- for those who are overweight -- and 30 minutes a day of physical activity reduced the chance of diabetes by more than 50% in men at high risk in one major study.

Erectile Dysfunction: A Common Health Problem in Men
Erectile dysfunction may not be life threatening, but it's still signals an important health problem. Two-thirds of men older than 70 and up to 39% of 40-year-old men have problems with erectile dysfunction. Men with ED report less enjoyment in life and are more likely to be depressed.

Erectile dysfunction is most often caused by atherosclerosis -- the same process that causes heart attacks and strokes. In fact, having ED frequently means that blood vessels throughout the body are in less-than-perfect health. Doctors consider erectile dysfunction an early warning sign for cardiovascular disease.

You've probably heard more about the numerous effective treatments for ED than you ever cared to just by watching the evening news. Treatments make a fulfilling sex life possible despite ED, but they don't cure the condition. If you have erectile dysfunction, see your doctor, and ask if more than your sex life is at risk.

Vitamins for Kids: Do Healthy Kids Need Supplements?

Vitamins for Kids: Do Healthy Kids Need Supplements?

If you believe the ads, every kid needs a daily Flintstone or Gummy Bear vitamin. But is it true?

Not necessarily so, the experts agree. Ideally, kids should get their vitamins from a balanced, healthy diet that includes:

- Milk and dairy products like cheese and yogurt (preferably low-fat products for kids over age 3)

- Plenty of fresh fruits and leafy, green vegetables

- Protein like chicken, fish, meat, and eggs

- Whole grains like steel-cut oats and brown rice

Which Kids Need Vitamin Supplements?

Given the reality of time-crunched parents, those well-rounded, home-cooked meals aren't always possible. That's why pediatricians may recommend a daily multivitamin or mineral supplement for:

- Kids who aren't eating regular, well-balanced meals made from fresh, whole foods

- Finicky eaters who simply aren't eating enough

- Kids with chronic medical conditions such as asthma or digestive problems, especially if they're taking medications (be sure to talk with your child's doctor first before starting a supplement if your child is on medication)

- Particularly active kids who play physically demanding sports

- Kids eating a lot of fast foods, convenience foods, and processed foods

- Kids on a vegetarian diet (they may need an iron supplement), a dairy-free diet (they may need a calcium supplement), or other restricted diet

- Kids who drink a lot of carbonated sodas, which can leach vitamins and minerals from their bodies

Top Six Vitamins and Minerals for Kids

In the alphabet soup of vitamins and minerals, a few stand out as critical for growing kids.

- Vitamin A promotes normal growth and development; tissue and bone repair; and healthy skin, eyes, and immune responses. Good sources include milk, cheese, eggs, and yellow-to-orange vegetables like carrots, yams, and squash.

- Vitamin Bs. The family of B vitamins -- B2, B3, B6, and B12 -- aid metabolism, energy production, and healthy circulatory and nervous systems. Good sources include meat, chicken, fish, nuts, eggs, milk, cheese, beans, and soybeans.

- Vitamin C promotes healthy muscles, connective tissue, and skin. Good sources include citrus fruit, strawberries, kiwi, tomatoes, and green vegetables like broccoli.

- Vitamin D promotes bone and tooth formation and helps the body absorb calcium. Good sources include milk and other dairy products, and fish oil. The best source of vitamin D is sunlight.

- Calcium helps build strong bones as a child grows. Good sources include milk, cheese, yogurt, tofu, and calcium-fortified orange juice.

- Iron builds muscle and is essential to healthy red blood cells. Iron deficiency is a risk in adolescence, especially for girls once they begin to menstruate. Good sources include beef and other red meats, turkey, pork, spinach, beans, and prunes.

Megavitamins -- large doses of vitamins -- aren't a good idea for children. The fat-soluble vitamins (vitamins A, D, E, and K) can be toxic if kids overdose on excessive amounts. Ditto with iron. Your kids can get too much of a good thing

Look to Fresh Foods for the Best Vitamins

Healthy kids get their best start from what you put in your grocery cart.

Good nutrition starts by serving a wide variety of whole, fresh foods as much as possible. That's far better than serving up fast foods or convenience foods -- and hoping that taking a kids' vitamin will undo any nutritional no-no's. You'll find the most vitamins and minerals in foods high in carbohydrates and proteins (rather than fats). By far, the most high-vitamin foods of all are fresh fruits and vegetables.

To give kids more vitamins, aim for more variety -- not simply more food. Twice as many kids today are overweight than just two decades ago, so use kid-sized food portions, which are one-quarter to one-third the size of adult portions.

Spread the variety of foods into several small meals and snacks throughout the day. If your child won't eat a particular food for a few days -- like vegetables -- don't fret. But reintroduce those foods again a day or two later, perhaps prepared in a different way. Kids' "food strikes" usually end by themselves.

Vitamins and Healthy Kids: Five Tips

If you do give vitamins to your kids, follow these tips:

1. Put vitamins away, well out of reach of children, so they don't treat them like candy.

2. Try not to battle over foods with your kids or use desserts as a bribe to "clean your plate." Instead, try giving a chewable vitamin as a "treat" at the end of a meal. Fat-soluble vitamins can only be absorbed with food.

3. If your child is taking any medication, be sure to ask your child's doctor about any drug interactions with certain vitamins or minerals. Then the supplement won't boost or lower the medication dose.

4. Try a chewable vitamin if your child won't take a pill or liquid supplement.

5. Consider waiting until a child reaches age 4 to start giving a multivitamin supplement, unless your child's doctor suggests otherwise.

Sound nutrition plays a role in your child's learning and development. So, rather than relying on cartoon characters selling supplements, commit to feeding a range of healthy foods to your kids.


The human colon is a muscular, tube-shaped organ measuring about 4 feet long. It extends from the end of your small bowel to your anus, twisting and turning through your abdomen (belly). The colon has 3 main functions.

colorectal_cancer_s1_illustartion_of_colon (1)- To digest and absorb nutrients from food
- To concentrate fecal material by absorbing fluid (and electrolytes) from it
- To store and control evacuation of fecal material

The right side of your colon plays a major role in absorbing water and electrolytes, while the left side is responsible for storage and evacuation of stool.

Cancer is the transformation of normal cells. The transformed cells grow and multiply abnormally.

- Left untreated, these cancers grow and eventually spread through the colon wall to involve the adjacent lymph nodes and organs. Ultimately, they spread to distant organs such as the liver, lungs, brain, and bones.
- Cancers are dangerous because of their unbridled growth. They overwhelm healthy cells, tissues, and organs by taking their oxygen, nutrients, and space.
- Most colon cancers are adenocarcinomas-tumors that develop from the glands lining the colon’s inner wall.
- These tumors are sometimes referred to as colorectal cancer, reflecting the fact that the rectum, the end portion of the colon, can also be affected.

In the United States, 1 in 17 people will develop colorectal cancer.

- According to reports from the National Cancer Institute, colorectal cancer is the third most common cancer in US men.
- Colorectal canceris the second most common cancer in US women of Hispanic, American Indian/Alaska Native, or Asian/Pacific Islander ancestry, and the third most common cancer in white and African American women.
- The overall incidence of colorectal cancer increased until 1985 and then began decreasing at an average rate of 1.6% per year.
- Deaths from colorectal cancer rank third after lung and prostate cancer for men and third after lung and breast cancer for women.
- Colon cancer is the third most frequently diagnosed cancer in men and women and the second highest cause of cancer deaths in the U.S. Yet, when found early, it is highly curable. - This type of cancer occurs when abnormal cells grow in the lining of the large intestine (colon) or rectum. Learn more about who gets colorectal cancer, how it is detected, and what the latest treatments can accomplish.

colorectal_cancer_s2_colon_liningColorectal Cancer: How It Starts

Colorectal cancers often begin as polyps – benign growths on the interior surface of the colon. The two most common types of intestinal polyps are adenomas and hyperplastic polyps. They develop when there are errors in the way cells grow and repair the lining of the colon. Most polyps remain benign, but some have the potential to turn cancerous. Removing them early prevents colorectal cancer.

colorectal_cancer_s10_colorectal_cancer_stagesCOLON CLEANSING

What is COLON CLEANSING? Simply put, it is the process of cleaning the intestinal tract and the colon for removing the toxins. Some of the methods used for the colon cleansing are injecting water, dietary supplement, laxatives, and herbs. People resort to colon cleansing mainly because any accumulation of the toxins in the intestinal tract will lead to various diseases.

Beginning of colon cleansing: It is believed that the ancient Egyptians thought that the toxins accumulated in the intestine and started causing fever and pus. Their theory was further supported by the microbiological studies conducted in the 19th century. In the course of time, scientists came up with the suggestions that since the body cannot fully remove the wastes and toxins on its own, colon cleansing was advised.

When it is advised and symptoms:Colon cleansing is done prior to any surgery, procedures, or colonoscopy. A regimen of liquidis administered on the previous day to the surgery, thus the colon and the intestinal tract is cleaned of any accumulation. The toxins can cause weight gain, headache, fatigue and low energy levels.

colorectal_cancer_s7_ctscanHow is it done: Colon cleansing can be done in two methods, one by using oral supplements and the other by getting it done with the help of a physician. The oral supplements can be purchased in pharmacies, health food stores or independent health distributors and the list of supplements include herbal supplements, laxatives, herbal teas, enemas, and anti-parasite capsules.

colorectal_cancer_s9_colon_cancer_cellColon irrigation: Colon irrigation is better than enema in that it does not give any discomfort to the person. Plenty of water is pushed into the colon and the remains are pushed out. The physician may also use probiotics which have beneficial bacteria in them.

Benefits of colon cleansing: Since toxins are removed in the process of colon cleansing, the advantages are manifold. The person who undergoes this will get a better mental outlook, lose unwanted weight, and improved immune system, and he also has less risk of colon cancer.

Is colon cleansing necessary: There are also arguments that the natural bacteria present in the colon helps in removing the toxins and the liver also helps in neutralizing them. It is said that the colon with the help of the mucus membranes, prevents any unwanted toxins from entering the blood or tissues. Since the old cells of the colon are removed very often, the chances of harmful bacteria adhering to the colon walls are very remote. It is also argued that the body absorbs most of the calories even before they reach the intestinal tract and so weight loss cannot be attributed to this reason.

Side effects: Colon cleansing does have some side effects which include nausea, vomiting, and cramps. The person may also feel dizzy and dehydrated. There are also chances of infection in the area. If a person has Crohn’s disease, hemorrhoids, diverticulitis, or any bowel surgery has been performed on him. Persons with heart or kidney diseases also should not undergo colon cleansing.

colorectal_cancer_s16_man_making_saladAchieving colon health: The food you take has the maximum impact on the health of the colon. It will reduce the risk of colon cancer greatly and boost the general health. Diet with more fiber will reduce colon problems such as constipation, and diverticulitis. Intake of more cereals, whole grains, and fiber which are present in fruits, vegetables, and oatmeal, apart from lot of fluids will enhance the health of colon. Tobacco and red meat should be reduced.

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How to Lose 20 Pounds in 2 Weeks

Image titled Lose 20 Pounds in 2 Weeks Step 11. Switch to drinking only water. Water flushes out your system, removing unneeded toxins, making it easier to lose weight. Moreover, water is free of calories, making it a much better choice than sugary drinks. In fact, if you can limit yourself to only water, your odds of losing the weight will increase. If you need something flavored from time to time, choose unsweetened tea.
This should be 24/7, apart from right before a workout. Then you can feel free to chug a cup of black coffee (or with a splash of skim milk). The caffeine blast is reported to give you a kick, making you work out a little bit harder.
It turns out drinking water can up your metabolism, too, in addition to making you feel full. Recent studies show that drinking two glasses of cold water can up your metabolism about 40% for 15-20 minutes. Participants in these weight loss studies reportedly lost 15 pounds in three months, largely by drinking only water.

Image titled Lose 20 Pounds in 2 Weeks Step 22. Cut junk food from your diet. Cut it out completely. Someone following a standard diet can usually afford to fall off the junk food wagon once or twice without suffering major repercussions. For more extreme, short-term weight loss goals (like this one), however, junk food must be completely avoided.
Stay away from greasy, fatty foods as well as those with a high sugar content. Anything battered, fried, covered in chocolate, packaged, or loaded up and preserved with sugar is a no-go.
Be sure to read your labels. Even things like yogurt and granola bars can be powerhouses of sugar. While many people think of these as healthy, they're actually not.

Image titled Lose 20 Pounds in 2 Weeks Step 3
3. Cut out the white carbs. Everything from pasta to cookies is full of simple carbohydrates that are actually sugars in disguise. These little villains spike our insulin levels, upping our fat stores, and ultimately increase our body weight. To lower the spike, cut out the processed carbs – that means white rice, bread, and potatoes, in addition to cookies, cakes, donuts, chips, pretzels, and ice cream.
You may be better off cutting out carbs in general. Let's face it: 20 pounds in 2 weeks is a tall order. To put your body in ketosis, where it's feeding off your fat stores and not your glycogen stores (because those have been depleted), you'll have to go completely low or no carb. In addition to no sweets, you'll have to cut out starchy vegetables (potatoes, squash, carrots), whole grains (including quinoa and brown rice) and sugary fruits, like bananas, oranges, and apples.
What's more, being hungry makes the temptation to cave to your old habits all the more powerful. Consistently eating good-for-you, healthy foods keeps the other cravings at bay. When you're more full, you make better decisions.

Image titled Lose 20 Pounds in 2 Weeks Step 44. Munch on "negative calorie" foods. Whether or not negative calorie foods are truly negative is up for debate. As the theory goes, some foods take so much energy to digest that eating them actually burns more calories than the foods contain. Even if you do not burn calories eating these foods, though, you will not gain many calories from them, either.
In the way of vegetables, eat more asparagus, beet root, broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, celery, cucumber, garlic, green beans, lettuce, onion, radish, spinach, turnip, and zucchini.
As for fruits, gravitate toward blueberries, cantaloupe, cranberries, grapefruit, honeydew, lemons, limes, oranges, mangoes, papayas, raspberries, strawberries, tomatoes, tangerines, and watermelon.

Image titled Lose 20 Pounds in 2 Weeks Step 5
5. Choose leaner proteins and load up on vegetables. Instead of beef and pork, opt for leaner meats like chicken or fish. Consuming fish is especially helpful because the fatty acids in fish give your body the beneficial oils it needs, and may help subdue the urge to consume greasy or fattening foods.[5]
And as for vegetables, go for it. Breakfast, lunch, and dinner – pile 'em on. They're nutritious, generally not full of calories or sugars (again, no potatoes), and keep you full. They're the shortest track to losing weight there is.

Image titled Lose 20 Pounds in 2 Weeks Step 6

6. Consider a fad diet very carefully. The fact of the matter is that in the short term, fad diets can work. If you're looking to lose weight very quickly and don't care if you gain it back, then a fad diet could be okay for you in this situation. Just realize that, in general, they're not healthy and their effects do not last for long.
One of the most common fad diets right now is juicing. Another contender is the Master Cleanse diet – both of which are liquid-based diets. These offer quick results, but are hard to adhere to and are not wise to stay on for long. If you're desperate, look into them, but take their advice with a grain of salt.

We have a dietary supplements that can lose your weight

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